
We started ProtoStart itself in March 2021, and our community is still tiny – so we have a small amount of projects that joined PS after being built independently for a while, a few fresh projects that are in concept/first release stages and much of the effort is going into building out our core infrastructure. This is currently a manually updated list, so it may lag a bit behind our reddit forum (but this should be easier to read through). We’ll add pages with details on each project soon.

All Projects (as of 26th April 2021)

  • ActivityRecommender – Make your life more like a video game, full of fast feedback, optional suggestions and analyses, happiness measurements, efficiency measurements, and much more! – Joined us while already available in Android & iOS app stores. Coding mentorship available!
  • TeaRounder – Making food and drink ordering easier! – A project our founder-coder had been working on for a while before ProtoStart formed – free basic home use web version released, paid version for cafes/pubs/restaurants in development, premium home version planned. Front-end mentorship available!
  • Movie Friend Finder – a fresh idea, still in conceptual stages. Find friends based on favourite films & TV.
  • BookHub – a fresh idea, still in conceptual stages. A place where book lovers can connect and form a community.
  • ProtoStart reddit wiki – community resource, some pages uploaded Looking for writers/editors (any experience level) – guidance available
  • (so that’s this website, which we use for describing what/who we are and listing/linking projects and resources). Looking for writers/editors of any experience level – no coding required
  • – another community resource, concept stage – Tools for thinking through the first steps of a project, making a start on it and collaborating on it. That domain will also be home to prototypes of any web based project, while they’re not quite ready for their own domain – for example maybe BookHub might have a prototype at web developers wanted
  • StockBlock – a website to tackle stock music (which the project team say is currently “trash, expensive, and low-quality”). They want to change that in order to “make creators purchase stock music cheaper to make their content better”. Last update on reddit at time of writing, was looking for a backend web dev.

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